Meet the Leaders of Women's Earth Alliance
Audria Evelinn
Empowering community-based agriculture programs and supporting local farmers to adopt regenerative growing practices.
Ayanna Williams
Encouraging environmental resilience through community partnership and engagement.
Tirsana Kailola
Managing teacher’s professional programs so that young students learn to love nature and traditional culture.
Tiffany Cook
Healing her tribe through food justice and environmental advocacy.
De’Etra Jenra Young
Increasing diverse student representation in food, agricultural, and natural resource sciences and supporting young people to become environmental justice advocates.
Stacey Sarina Liddell Pernell Fluker
Sharing wisdom about the interconnectedness of our bodies and Earth’s natural cycles.
Endang Widayati
Increasing the Ponorogo community’s capacity in mitigating environmental degradation.
Yohana Baransano
Building up Community Empowerment in Household Waste Management.
Kris Ayu Madina
Providing a Safe Space to Unlock Women’s Potential and Create Positive Empowerment.
Irma Fatmayanti
Building a Strong Environmental Education Program from the Ground Up.
Wilma Chrysanti
Developing Ecologically Aware Knowledge and Living Practices Along With a Minimal Waste Program.
Yune Muhrani Ismaranti
The guardian of children’s health in the midst of a mercury polluted environment.
Harnessing the Power of Sustainable Beauty to Empower and Educate Local Communities in Indonesia.